Monday, May 26, 2008

Short talk: After five months of temporary assignment, I have been permanently hired by an organization in lower Manhattan (of which, I am unable to flaunt my affiliation with).

Reviving an old hobby

Adrian is a goldfish lover but gave up this hobby when he came to the U.S. to continue his studies. His hobby is shared by my Grandpa who used to breed goldfish back in his younger days. These days my parents' tank is reduced to a 12+ year old Osphronemus goramy (ikan kaloi) and a few local kois.

A few days ago, Adrian decided to renew his passion for goldfish, so off we went to our neighborhood Wal-mart. We've always known that pets here lead a luxury life but who knew that even tropical fish and freshwater fish are included. Adrian was "salivating" with excitement as we walked by aisle after aisle of fish supplies. Even I the non-fish lover is now a convert.

So, this is how we spent our Memorial Weekend....



Our tank is home to 2 black moors, 2 red cap orandas, 1 black & red oranda, 2 calico ryukins, 1 lion head/ranchu and 1 pearl scale. The tank is hypnotic! And, a great stress reliever :)

Enjoy the short video of our new "friends".


Anonymous said...

nice fish tank! I jeles liao..but anyone who's a fish lover is a friend of mine! ;-)

Serenity said...

wuching: lol! my husband added 2 more while i was at work today ;) u will get along extremely well with Adrian.

Anonymous said...

you'll need a bigger tank, they say 10 gal. needed for each grown fancy goldfish. so you should go upgrade to around a 100gal if you want to keep those fish healthy.