Sunday, January 03, 2010

Brandon - Ten days old

This has been our new routine. Changing diapers, feeding, and entertaining boss Brandon. The three of us (mom, dad and grandma) have been transformed into either panda bears or raccoons. Thanks to BOSS Brandon's wee hours demand.

New tools in the kitchen

Burrito wrap/swaddle (I am warm and comfy)

Dr. Evil's Impersonation - note the pinky :)

Smile for Daddy

Grandma and Brandon posing for the camera. Say cheese........!


Lauren said...

BOSS Brandon? I don't believe it for one minute! He looks so sweet and innocent haha. Here's to some better sleep in the new year ;)

Robin Wong said...

hey Serene and Adrian !!
oh dear me long time no visit here. I just heard the awesome news from my mum !!
Congratulations !! Brandon looks soooooooooo sweet and cute. Must have been a great joy for you both. I must find ways to show the beautiful pictures of brandon to my mum.

Here is me, wishing you all the best for this New Year 2010. Cheers !!

Serenity said...

Lauren: he has difficulty falling asleep :( hopefully, we can find out how to remedy this.

Robin: thank you. Happy New Year to you too!

Dawn said...

Congratulations to you and Adrian! It's been a while since I came visiting, and what a surprise! Hopefully Boss Brandon will get into a sleep routine soon :)