Saturday, September 18, 2010

SQUIRREL = PEST....*&^%$@#! (Guest blogger)

We used to be sympathetic of squirrels after witnessing the aftermath of being ran over on the road. Not anymore after what they have done to my lawn and flower beds. It is getting on my nerves on a daily basis. Holes and holes were dug all over. You would understand that they need to hide their food but digging all over and left the holes open is not even funny.

So one day, I observe one squirrel and see what it does to the lawn. Guess what...! It just keep digging randomly like searching for his lost nuts hence there are holes all over. #@%^&*(!~....! All my hard work of planting the grass has gone to waste. I would repair the lawn/flower beds by recovering the holes back with top soil and the next things the squirrels re-digs the holes again.

I have tried spreading chili powder, peppers and squirrel deterrent and they do not work. It is worst now considering it is starting of Fall season and they are compiling food for the winter season. Perhaps I should buy a BB gun....! Or trap them and drown them....!

Hole #1 (Flower Bed)

Hole #2

Hole # 3

Caught in the act..! The CULPRIT...!

Any suggestions to deter or eliminate them are welcomed.

1 comment:

MillyVanilly said...

trap it and bbq it! Yummy!