Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Happening
by Adrian

Last night while I was taking a shower around 10pm, Serene heard a loud bang. She peeped through the peep hole and saw no one. Unfortunately, as I was taking the thrash out I noticed something was wrong with the newly installed motion activated wall light. It did not turn on with my hand waving at the sensor. Upon closer look, we saw this.
We suspect a punk kid just busted the light for fun. I suppose not only human becoming active around spring (busting my light)##@!*&%$!!!, my backyard plants also started to be alive.

Hyacinths on the well at our backyard

Daffodils and tulips at the side fence

Recently I have just learned a new thing on how to deter squirrels from your yard using basic household items. Who would think it would be this Holy Trinity...!

Holy Trinity ( Frank's Red Hot Sauce, Paprika and Ajax dish washing liquid)

So far it works. All you have to do it mix five teaspoons Frank's Red Hot Sauce, two teaspoons Paprika, one teaspoon dish-washing liquid, water to fill up a gallon of bottle. Then you could fill up in a 32-ounce trigger-spray bottle. If you don't have the above mentioned ingredients, you could use Tabasco or any other similar hot wings sauce and chilli powder in place of paprika. Avoid Havahart Critter Ridder!!!. It is useless as it did not even prevent the squirrels from eating the tulip bulbs.

Happy Spring folks..!

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