Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sam Boi

My significant other, who has been ill with the cold recently has an unusual craving for preserved prunes or "sam boi" as the locals call it back home. Anyway, I don't know why (of all the prunes available at the store) he bought this particular type.

I wonder what they were trying to say - "Green Ecology Limitless Magnificence"?!

When I turned the package around, there was a sticker which warned us that saccharin in this product could cause cabcer cancer in lab oratory lab animals. Seriously, they should think about doing a spell check because I thought those animals could orate/talk in the lab.

So after all this, what did we do with the prunes? We ate them and I haven't started speaking like Remy yet.


Wuching said... no scare get cabcer kah?

Serenity said...

wuching: hehe! first and last time lah. no more green ecology prunes for us. aspartame is also dangerous.

cooknengr said...

Still sick ? I sorta got over mine.

Serenity said...

cooknengr: nah, we are ok now. took a while though. oh dear, not you too?!