Monday, February 18, 2008

Goodbye Little One...

Figo, our darling 2 year old doxie died from a snake bite yesterday. Mom called from M'sia just to let me know that he is nor longer with us. They rushed him to the vet but it was too late. He died in my Dad's arms. Seems like only yesterday that Figo came to our home and our lives. Our sunshine on a cloudy day. Always full of life, bringing so much joy to our family. We shall miss you very much!


Anonymous said...

so sorry about figo

Anonymous said...

aiyoh! Cute little Figo died??? The poor thing. That's just so sad.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your dog.. :( I'm sure he is in doggy's heaven.

Serenity said...

wuching, millyvanilly & mama bok: yeah, so sad :(. it was such a shock to us too. thanks for your kindness & sympathy.