Sunday, March 14, 2010

Storm March 13-14, 2010

For the last two days, it has been scary moment dealing with violent storm ripping through our area. Tree were uprooted, lines were down and many homes were left without power including ours. Our phone line is down as well which means no internet connection.

Fortunately, 98% of our house is still intact except minor gutter related damages. Since power is still down as of 6pm today, we decided to stay in hotel tonight for the heat. We are worried about the well being of Brandon as he is just a little two months old and we don't want him to be freezing.

Uprooted tree one door down

Tree uprooted near the school

Neighbor's house a few doors away (First casualty witnessed)

Another neighbor's house a few doors away (2nd casualty)

Our house with the noticeable minor gutter related damages

Phone cable split into two (in front of our house)

We hope our power line will be back soon so that we could go back to our house. Please pray for us.

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