Little Italy WeekendThe day after Hurricane Ernesto unleashed it's "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" winds.
It was a beautiful and perfect summer day with very comfortable temps. It's like nothing happened. How ironic! Adrian & I took a trip down to Little Italy in NY City on Sunday.
The theme: "Summer in NYC" . The second last hurrah before end of summer; not forgetting the big
Feast of San Gennaro in 9 days time. Three blocks of streets were closed and it become an instant avenue for food, shopping & fun. Oh, not forgetting people watch too ;)

Crowded streets of Little Italy

People, people...everywhere
After strolling around for quite a while, we headed to our favorite coffee & pastries shop -
Ferrara by Grand Street.

It's 114 years old... NYC's first expresso bar & oldest pasticceria.

We had coffee and a trio of strawberry tartlet, Bavarian mignon & eclair.

We saw a cigar rolling demonstration.

Adrian & his "friend" ;) He looked thrilled to have company.

Outdoor dining everywhere. Oh, the joys of summer.

This restaurant layed out its best to entice customers.

Another way to attract customers via the Statue of David. Michelangelo would have been proud. I should have taken a close up of his family jewels coz it had significant black marks there. Like Buddha's foot, I wonder did some crazy or naughty person rub it for kicks or good luck??? His owner needs to use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on him soon ;)

A basett hound waiting patiently for his daddy to finish his lunch ;)

Italian desserts - tiramisu, canolis, etc. Hey! It's that poison apple, no ...I meant candied apple again.

Biscottis, cookies, etc. from the Nut House??? They could have chosen a better name!
Only in Little Italy do you find...
Italian arrogance or last sales pitch for Italy's soccer jerseys, posters, etc.?? Would you wear the jersey of a soccer team plagued with scandals?! Hmm...And c'mon, we've had enough of that Zizu head butting incident. Time to move on. *yawn*

Holy statues! S, M, L & XL sizes for your house, garden, bedroom, etc.. Wherever you fancy.

Amica, amico...beware the dangers of prideful vanity.

Single & lonely??? Check it out!