Friday, January 25, 2008

My New Sneakers

The last time I bought a pair of good sneakers was 4 1/2 years ago. I think that pretty much tells you about my rather sedentary lifestyle. Anyway, I saw something that I like a lot, on sale, about a month ago. I've been looking for gray toned sneakers for some time now and this is my favorite. Aesthetics aside, after using it for a few weeks, I find that the cushioning is so much better than a certain brand with the "hook" symbol or the "tick" symbol as some M'sian folks call it. I don't think I have to reveal the brand I'm referring to. Hee...hee!


cooknengr said...

Hell with "Nike" (not Ni-kee but locals say Nike like..umm.."Like"), I've been running with Asics. excellent cushioning for long distance running.

But, if you are wiling to spend at least $80, all high end sneakers are just about the same in quality.

Oii, I pulang Kampung next week. Any junk food you guys want from home ?

Serenity said...

cooknengr: yeah, like *ike. got the Asics for half off...hehe! wah!!! balik kampung ah...Kong Hee Fatt Choy! nah, we r ok. thanks for asking.