Thursday, August 03, 2006


If you follow world weather, you would have known that temperatures have been soaring for the past 3 weeks in the U.S. Yesterday was the worst for the tri-state area of New Jersey, New York and Connecticut with temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and the heat index i.e. how you actually feel, around 112+ degrees Fahrenheit.

Temperatures are still measured in Fahrenheit over here (I really don't understand why?!), whereas the rest of the world is using Celsius. I have to translate this to more user friendly terms.

100 degrees Fahrenheit = about 38 degrees Celsius is already 4 or 5 degrees hotter than my hometown average day-time temperature. Mama, if you are reading this, I know you don't envy us for once. So, we were over that mark yesterday with a heat index of about 44 degrees Celsius.

This is today - August 3rd. 2006. A few degrees cooler but still!!!

In spite of these scorching numbers, there's hope of a cool front heading our way in a few hours time but with dangerous consequences of thunderstorms. Just like Malaysia in the afternoon/evening time :) Relief wouldn't be that much either. Probably just a tat cooler during the weekend. But, I shouldn't complain too much.

I have experienced temperatures of > 45 degrees Celsius during summer time in Perth, Australia. Plus, I am from Malaysia so I should be used to this type of weather, right? No...actually I hated the warm and humid like conditions for as long as I could remember. I haven't met anyone from Malaysia who loves the hot, humid weather either.

Meanwhile, to help me through these rough days, I just have to remind myself that we're half way through summer and fall is coming soon . Oh yes, and turn the A/C UP! That helps :)

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