Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Lesson in Liberalism

I've been wondering if I should blog about this. Covered the ladies' titties and what-nots so that I won't get into trouble with this blog's system administrator. I still wanna be able to sign in and write about other stuff.

Las Vegas Boulevard is a prostitution haven; hence the name Sin City. Everywhere you go, you are handed little cards advertising adult services. They're plastered all over the electricity poles, street lamps, you name it. As long as there's a blank space, it'll be covered with these special "ladies of the evening" although their services are available 24 hours a day; some at a discounted rate. All major credit cards also accepted. Collected these cards in just under a minute. If I had continued, I would have a bag-full by the end of the day. And what would I do with it anyway?! Ha..ha!

People who distribute these cards, mostly Mexican men and women would just shove it into your hands or slap it onto your arms as you walk by. Like wooo, what's this. If you're a man, they tend to make funny rat like sounds just to get your attention and proceed to say something like - hoochie mamas! chicas!

Not to worry if you missed those distributors. You can still find one, two or three hot babes driving up and down the Boulevard. With a very "applicable" phone number too, don't ya think?! From Vegas with lust, I would say ;)

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