Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Happy Halloween zombies, vampires, werewolves, old chums, friends & faithful readers! It is now 10.30 a.m. on the day whereby kids get to put on their ghoulish or Disney Princess costumes and indulge in their annual sugar highs. I am still calm even though I haven't bought a single bag of candy yet. I am contemplating between buying or just sticking a "Sorry, no candies" note on my door. I've until the afternoon to decide...

Anyhoo, last Sunday we had the pleasure of taking our friend from Malaysia out for lunch at Virgil's - a BBQ ribs/southern style restaurant at Times Square. Alex has been to New York before so he is no stranger to the City. We met him at his suite near the United Nations and took Subway "7" from Grand Central to 42nd. Street. We arrived Virgil's at precisely 12 noon and was allocated a window seat with a great view of Times Square and the huge Toys 'R' Us store :)

Where we ate. This is Virgil's home page.

A group photo before digging into our food :)

Two meat combo - ribs & lamb; with 2 sides (coleslaw & mash) and a cornbread. The marinade was excellent although some parts were a bit too salty to my liking.

Adrian's choice - Memphis ribs with a mountain of fries.

After a heavy lunch, we needed to walk-off all the sinful meats we just downed. So, we decided to take a stroll through a street carnival at 7th Avenue to Central Park. Spent some time around the Bethesda Fountain and boat house areas before we parted ways after a cup of cappuccino at the Rockefeller Cafe. What a way to spend a beautiful Sunday - treading on crisp, fallen autumn leaves while engaging in great conversation :)


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm....ribs!(in Homer-speak)

Ange must regret not following Alex there. Hehehe.

Wuching said...

great looking food! happy halloween!

Serenity said...

millvanilly: hehe...wished she was here with us though. ribs was good. marinate was really something. after this meaty dinner, have to eat salad for a few days. *sigh*

wuching: thanks. it is! happy halloween to u & yr family ;)