Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Shortbread Cookies

Serenity's X'mas Shortbread Cookies

I was browsing through the weekend pull-outs for coupons and sales when I saw this easy recipe for shortbread cookies. It had peppermint candy in them originally but I decided to make mine plain.
  • Prep Time: 20 mins.
  • Bake Time: 25-30 mins. Enough time to write and publish a post & Bob's Your Uncle!
  • Makes: a little over a tray. If you like your cookie size bigger then you'll yield less pieces. I made about 19 pieces with this measurement.
1 cup butter, softened (no substitutes, please)
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup corn starch
parchment paper to line your baking tray/sheet - makes cleaning easier afterwards!

Mix butter, sugar & vanilla using an electric mixer. Slowly blend in flour & corn starch.

Form 1 inch balls and place on parchment paper lined baking sheets. No need to bother with cookie cutters. Just use a flat bottom glass, dipped in sugar to prevent sticking and press gently on each cookie.

Bake in preheated oven - 300F for 25-30 mins. or until bottom begins to brown.

Cool and remove to a wire rack. Go crazy with the decorations!

This is mine. X'mas theme in accordance with the holidays and neatly packaged for Adrian to bring to the office. It's time to spread some good cheer, even if you're not celebrating X'mas.

From the recipe...
Karo Cookie Decorating Tip: When decorating holiday cookie cut-outs with sprinkles, brush lightly with corn syrup and the sprinkles and candy will stick.

FYI, I didn't make the X'mas candy toppers. I bought them from the store for $1.80. It comes in a sheet of about 16 pieces. Peel them off from the paper (like a sticker) and use them to decorate your cakes, cupcakes, ice-cream, desserts, etc.


Wuching said...

wuah! can sell at the shops liao

Anonymous said...

Eeek! Where did you get the x'mas theme deco from? So pretty!

Serenity said...

wuching: cannot yet. must be more perfect. small scale production is ok. my oven is too small for mass production.

millyvanilly: aiya, walmart. just like the leafy ones i bought earlier on for u. i'll buy u the x'mas theme ones also.

Ms One Boobie said...

Nice..! very nice..! i think i am gonna bake this.. for Chloe's birthday party for the kids to bring home. ;)