Friday, December 28, 2007

X'mas Eve Dinner

We went to Mass at 5.30 p.m. on X'mas Eve and came home to a familiar dinner. Just to remind us of X'mas back home. A whole turkey would be too big for the two of us. Anyway, nobody eats turkey for X'mas over here. That's so passe since the bird was just eaten for Thanksgiving. We ordered these take outs from Satay earlier during the day. It took us 2 hours to pick up the food due to overzealous X'mas shoppers. Seriously, why do people have to leave their shopping till the last minute?! I just don't understand.

Well, it's X'mas afterall, so we thought a little treat would be nice - beef rendang, chicken/beef satay, tulang api & kangkung belacan. Yum! Enough to last us 2 meals :).


Wuching said...

wuah! my kinda food! makes me hungry nia..

Serenity said...

wuching: m sure Melbourne has plenty of M'sian restaurants also. hehe!