Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My sinful indulgence

Laurent & Karen were in town last weekend. We had a lovely dinner at Satay, a superb Malaysian restaurant at Hoboken. They flew in from Lyon and brought some pralines (filled chocolates) for us. Not just any ordinary pralines but a JEFF de BRUGES! Thank you, thank you. Let's just say I've a major weakness for Belgian and Swiss chocolates. My joie de vivre. Notice that I never mention the famous American "H" before. Well, once you know your Euro chocolatiers you won't settle for anything less. I know some "H" fans will probably knock the living daylights out of me but I am standing my ground.

JB's from Mr. & Mrs. Passy :) Merci beaucoup!

To be eaten very sparingly. I haven't seen a Jeff de Bruges in the U.S. yet although they are already in 23 countries or so. These are some of their selection I "copied" from the JEFF de BRUGES Aussie site.

Enjoy the pralines but don't drool over your keyboard. It's not a couth thing to do ;)


JamyTan said...

Wow, those chocs can die for :)-

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you. I think there are a lot more chockies nicer than 'H'. Hehehe. Oh, if you ever come across this Japanese chocolate, Royce (as in the Rolls "Royce" of chocolates), you absolutely have to try the ones made with fresh cream. So yummy-licious! Until I tried it, I never knew Japanese makes such great chocolates.

Serenity said...

hi millyvanilly: glad to know u agree ;) and i will definitely check out Royce. hahaha!