Monday, May 07, 2007

Photos from friends

One of the best thing in life is getting nice photos from friends. Here's my favorite four from their travel adventures.

From Debbie. Taken during her visit to Melbourne, Australia.

From Mildred. Best luck in the world. She saw a pair of mating turtles in Sematan.

From Phyllis. A beautiful sunset in Bintulu, Sarawak.

And finally, from Alex. Thai sex massage ad he saw while walking along Carpenter Street, Kuching. Must have been quite a discovery for our traveler friend from Winnipeg ;)


Anonymous said...

just to clarify - that pic was from alex's camera. Regrettably the rest of us didn't bring our own cameras that day.

And yes, that's my favourite pic too from all my travels. :)

Serenity said...

okie, i forgot that it was Alex's. hee..hee!