Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hochelaga - Ville Marie - Mont Royal (Montreal) la nuit

While exploring St. Lawrence River, French navigator Jacques Cartier discovered a village called Hochelaga in 1535. He met some Amerindians who led him to a mountain he subsequently called Mont Royal. Many years after that, Sieur de Maisonneuve founded Ville Marie and this area later become Montreal.

Montreal may have many names in the beginning but one of our "must-do" while traveling is taking photos of historical buildings at night. La nuit, these buildings somehow appear more mysterious when illuminated. Now, I must credit these photos to Adrian since he was the one that took the time to ensure that they were blog worthy enough.

Bonsecours Market

Notre Dame de Bonsecours Chapel

City Hall

Notre Dame Basilica and its "And there was light - sound & light show"

La lumiere fut?! What's this? The lights on the top right was missing and I really wasn't interested in paying another CAD9 to see the light show inside. However, I was a fooled into believing that the lights spiraling out from the windows would be stronger just like the brochure. Hmmph! False advertising, indeed.

Jacques Cartier Place

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