Tuesday, September 18, 2007

When words don't come out right

Remember that show,"Kids Say the Darnedest Things"? Well, it can happen to anyone. I'm still compiling mine. Meanwhile, here's some from Adrian. Tee..hee..hee!

Part 1:
One day, we saw a trio of road-kills. First the common squirrel, then the normally bashful raccoon and finally, the rare woodchuck. As we passed by the "hardened" squirrel, Adrian said "OMG, loco-motive". What he meant to say was "rigor mortis".

Part 2:
While reading the paper, my better half suddenly exclaimed, "Look, it's the Harlem Global Trekkers". Huh?! Since when did the Harlem Globetrotters do a segment in Globe Trekker? It's not a bad idea considering the Globetrotters have been everywhere in the world.


Johanna said...

eww roadkill. once my boyfriend and i were driving back from the country and we saw dead koalas on the road. so yuckkk

Serenity said...

bananas: so sad :( at least it's not a dead skunk. skunk scent will follow you home. it's that lethal! hee..hee!

Anonymous said...

WAHAHAHAAAAAAA.....locomotive!!! Tell Adrian thank you for brightening up my day.
Here's what my colleague said about a stubborn person. Degil macam kerdil (Stubborn like a dwarf). She meant to say Devil macam keldai (Stubborn like a donkey).

Serenity said...

millyvanilly: hahaha! i will. happens to everyone. i suddenly remembered my Hemlet and helmet blunder in Senior English @ Yr 12. OMG! that Japanese dude Kezo was so blur but that monkey fella Gene was cracking up behind him.