Tuesday, June 19, 2007

False alarm but a near miss

News from home: Last Thursday, the old shops in Serian burnt down. Since the shops were situated opposite Uncle Simon's coffee shop, Papa was naturally a bit anxious about his youngest brother's business. Being the usual concerned #4 brother, he had to call home just to make sure everything was ok.

Thank God, the coffee shop wasn't effected and their rellies' Shell station is still standing. Fire & gas/petrol...errr! Would have been worst.

Anyway, we received these photos from Adrian's cousin a few days ago but I was over-whelmed with other things so didn't open my e-mail until today.

Here's some photos for those who are missing some "news" from home.

I have no idea who took these photos so pardon me for not referencing.

Funny how my home news headline is usually about fire. What are the bomba people doing??? Isn't the Fire Station just a few blocks away from scene? Even if they thought it was a prank call, they would have smelt, heard or seen something. Bomba = Fire Department in Malaysia; not a nuclear bomb or Puerto Rican musical style.


Anonymous said...

See how "great" our Bomba is at job? They disputed claims of late reaction when S'wak Club burnt down, and now they dare to argue with 1/2 of Serian's population about them being an hour late to respond to repeated calls to the Station. They probably wouldn't even have bothered to go at all if not for some Serian folks who ran to the station to get them to come. Unbelievable! I'm paying tax for this??

Serenity said...

millyvanilly: i hear u. we're paying taxes to feed those lazy bums to zzz in the station. how swell! and i supposed the govt. felt that their meagre RM500 is sufficient for the fire victims? what can one do with RM500 these days?! aiyo!