Friday, June 01, 2007

A family affair

I've been away from my blog for a couple of days to attend to the routine and the not-so-routine. Anyway, everything is in order now and I can at least take a breather to post an entry, albeit a muddled one. Incoherent rambling is not my style but some days one's mind just works that way ;)

I've been busy getting our apartment spic & span for the arrival of my F.i.L. this Saturday. Another guest, S.i.L. will be arriving 2 days later from London. It's been a while since we had visitors staying at our place. The last being my two lovely cousins - Evelyn & Elaine from Canada. A welcome change to our otherwise placid routine! By the way, Evelyn has just returned from a fantastic European vacation. Hey E, did you bring back that masskrug from Munich's 400 beer halls?

Meanwhile, I haven't forgotten that it's Gawai or Harvest Festival for some of my close friends back in Kuching, Sarawak. Yup, I am thinking of the "ngabang" or open-house (a very Malaysian concept of inviting friends and families over to one's house for lots and lots of eating & drinking; like an extended Thanksgiving of some sort). Helping to fuel the rigorousness of Gawai merry-making and its rhapsody of activities is the popular home brew called "tuak" . Tuak is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice, yeast & sugar and is consumed in massive amounts during the first week of the month long celebration. These days, it's very schickimicki to make tuak out other exotic, tropical fruits.

So! To my Gawai celebrating friends, plus one in Ohio...


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