Tuesday, June 26, 2007

(: NYC Gay Pride Parade 2007 :)

Greenwich Village is NYC's premier gayborhood but its residents brought their gayness to mid-town last Sunday. While we were strolling around Rockefeller Center, we heard a ruckus along 5th. Avenue. As we approached Saks, we learned that it was New York City's Gay Pride 2007. Unfortunately, we already missed half of the parade.

Anyway, we took our comfy spot along with a very jovial crowd while songs like "You're Simply the Best" and a certain famous youth hostel gay anthem blared down the avenue.

Here's a snippet of the Pride Parade:

Tina or Tony Turner?

Barry Z Show float

David Bromstad of HGTV Design Star? He said yes?!

MAOR, multi-talented pop artist from Tel-Aviv. Love underground electronic pop or dance music? Check out his new CD "Crazy/Maybe" here. It's really catchy.

Asian devils

An overflowing pair of cup in the Gaydar unit!

A float-load of gay construction workers or not? Check out the guy's improvised nail gun ;)

Ta-ta, my darlings...c'ya next year!

Goodies from the parade - KTU fan, personal lubricant & Nivea moisturizers

Too bad we got there a bit late. A bag full of condoms was seen leaving 5th. Avenue in the arms of a co-ed. Endless supply of rubber for her college use, I supposed?!

Last but not least...

Peru wants your vote for Machu Picchu to be the new 7th. Wonder of the World.


cooknengr said...

Adult themed posts from the East coast, you and Fish Fish...tsk tsk tsk..!

Serenity said...

yeahhh...! ;)

Anonymous said...

i just want to know something ....why is it necessary for them to parade in near nudity? You want to declare to the whole world that you're gay, ok, but why do it in the nude? Can't you declare it in a tasteful way?

Serenity said...

millyv: i've no idea but i supposed it symbolizes freedom and being comfortable in their own skin? not being afraid or ashamed of showing who they really are i.e. their sexual orientation & preference. i m just guessing of course. all thoughts are welcome.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.