Thursday, June 07, 2007

Papi, O Papi...

Seeing Adrian & his sister with their father made me miss my own these days *sniffs*. My Papa isn't much of a traveler. I think he has flying anxiety/mild claustrophobia. Nevertheless, he did try his best to provide some enjoyment for our sake. I remember our first family trip to Singapore. I was about 6 years old and excited beyond words. I was so hyped-up like a Mexican jumping bean. Looking back, I must have annoyed the hell out of everyone.

It was also my first-time on the plane. Mom & I were upgraded to first class while my Hiah-hiah (brother) was seated in coach with him. Of course, it's nothing to shout about but I was an impressionable child back then. The flight attendant gave me a box of crayons and coloring book. I was such a happy camper that day. To a child, the food looked so quaint in little serving containers. Ironically, air-plane food puts me off these days. I think it must be coach class syndrome.

It was the most memorable one week in Singapore. Our family friends and grandma's first cousins (Tua Ee Poh & Say Ee Poh) were with us most of the time. We did all the touristy stuff, eating & some shopping. Back then, Lego, Star Wars merchandise, Philips walk-man, the original Michael Jackson (sans rhinoplasty & vitiligo), classic Care Bears, bubble-gum, fizzy candy & Kalkitos were all the rage. Ah...the retro 80s.

Papa nearly gave us a heart attack one day when he accidentally cut himself on the palm of his hand while paring an apple. We had to rush him to the Singapore General Hospital for a considerable amount of stitches. I remembered there was blood everywhere. While we were waiting for him, my brother & I saw an old Indian man sitting on a wheelchair. Being kids and having nothing to do, we started examining him from top to bottom. He seemed placid, quiet and then our eyes traveled down to his feet. He had the biggest swollen hallux we had ever seen; 3 times the original size! Being the awful children that we were, we started laughing uncontrollably. We tried to be discreet but I think he was in too much of a numbing pain to even notice us silly tots.

Anyway, back to Papa. He had to spend the rest of the holidays with a bandage over his left hand. To avoid getting the wound/stitching wet, he wrapped a plastic bag around his hand when showering. Hmm...poor him.

Father's Day is June 17th. At least we have one daddy from Kuching to have a real celebration with this year. While we fete Adrian's father to a nice day out and Chinese dinner next week, I shall be thinking fondly of my own Papa back home.

I love this photo very much; taken ad-hoc while everyone was looking at me for some particular reason. I cropped the people out a bit in this photo, hehe! Look at the hairstyle ;)) *lol* Nevertheless, I like it a lot because Papa looked very natural in it. He wasn't trying to smile for the camera; instead he's looking at me. It's all about him. This post is for him.

Dearest Papa,

"Happy Father's Day!"



Anonymous said...

Awww..!! so sweet..! i bet yer Papa.. is touched.. ;)

Anonymous said...

You are so cute!!! And no, I don't have that picture stored somewhere in my house!

Serenity said...

mama bok: thank you...i bet he is. if only my brother shows him my blog. haha!

christine: aww..thanks. at least i was cute once. i'm no longer cute :( haha! i m still very impressed that u have my mom's wedding photo!