Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I *heart* Jamba Juice

Jamba (not jamban*) Juice is just what everybody needs on this hot & muggy day in the East Coast.

I haven't had the chance to sample the entire Jamba menu of fruit juices and smoothies with their special health boosts. My latest conquest at the Jamba Juice counter? The Orange Dream Machine. A truly refreshing and rejuvenating drink; the perfect pick-me-up!

I'm holding two sixteens but one isn't mine. I'm not that greedy :p. The one on the left is Adrian's Jamba Classic in Caribbean Passion. A bit sour for his liking, though.

* In my hometown, jamban means toilet i.e. local Sarawak Malay dialect. So, marketing Jamba Juice there might require a new name so as not to confuse the people with Jamban Juice (toilet water)...Samba Juice perhaps??


Anonymous said...

Hey, nice new look, by the way! :-)

Serenity said...

hey millyv: thank you!