Thursday, June 14, 2007

Atlantic City

Last weekend was pretty hectic for us. We took Dad & Janet (F.i.L. and S.i.L. respectively) to Atlantic City (AC) on Saturday. The weather was super warm & humid; just perfect for beach goers. It was an easy drive as we started early & arrived there at about 10.45 a.m.

Papa with Caesars' four white horses

A huge statue of the casino's namesake

Salt water taffy - an AC sweet staple & everlasting favorite

Click here for the true story of the salt water taffy.

In Malaysia we have rickshaws and trishaws. Here in AC, you have the pushed version instead of the pulled ones. These fellas were waiting for tired customers and some business opportunity.


Boardwalk Yongs - Adrian, Papa & Janet

The Pier Shops at Caesar's is a new fixture at the Boardwalk. It certainly wasn't there when I visited this place 4 years ago.

Two beach front views of AC from the Pier Shops. The wind was so strong, I could feel myself almost blown away! Luckily I am so chubby these days, hence more anchorage ;)

Summer is always a good time and an excuse for men of all shapes & sizes to fool around the sand while trying to impress some beach babes ;) These two were playing football by the Bikini Beach Bar but only the men were looking. *snigger, snigger*

The bold & the beautiful by another beach bar

Papa's various poses around AC

As we were about to go home, we saw a lady and her pet iguana along the Boardwalk. The poor iguana looked like a prisoner. I just had to take a photo of her pet to show how cruel it looked. Tsk! Tsk!


Anonymous said...

Serene, that's the saltwater taffy (Fralinger's) I told you about! The one I saw on TV, which I thought looked so yummy. Hahaha. So, did you try it? Was it nice?

Anonymous said...

The poor gecko/iguana looks like its being strangled.

Serenity said...

millyvanilly: i thot so! that's why i posted it. i didn't buy any taffy that day. they usually taste the same but Fralingers has more variety in the shop. there's a sugar free range as well for the figure conscious. yes! the poor creature. it was so timid & afraid...until it grows big like the one that scared the hell out of Alex & us at Vickery House.