Monday, July 30, 2007

White Rabbit Candy Follies

White Rabbit Candy hasn't been in my vocab or in my mouth (literally) for many, many years. As a kid, I did enjoy several pieces of these milky candies.

Lately this candy was also dragged into the tainted Made in China goods hullabaloo. Yup, the formaldehyde incident. Philippines says aye; Singapore & Hong Kong say nay. So, is this just a random thing or should we just stay away altogether? I would opt the latter.

Made in China products is the black sheep of all things consumable at the moment. With the recent revelation of "special" ingredients in their seafood, toothpaste, cough syrup, meat@cardboard substitute in steamed buns and substandard tires, the negative list seems endless. It's one horrifying discovery after another each day.

The latest folly about White Rabbit Candy isn't the only thing that needs to be rectified. I checked out the White Rabbit Candy website after the formaldehyde incident was made public.
As expected the site is full of rigmaroles. However, their penchant for using deep words is really perplexing. Can't they just say that the candy is delicious instead of "larruping"?! Larruping, I suppose is acceptable but very Mid-Western for something delicious. Unfortunately, larruping also means to thrash or flog the living daylights out of somebody. Maybe with the formaldehyde?! :) And, why not edible rice wrapping instead of "velamen" which is way too scientific and botanical for such a simple candy. Hmm...and to say that White Rabbit is very hot in USA??? *roll on the floor laughter* An overstatement indeed. Although some WalgWal-Mart stores do carry this candy, I've yet to see it at my neighborhood Wal-Mart.


Anonymous said...

Can you imagine we've been eating those candies since we were young?! I guess we won't rot when we die then, since we've accumulated formaldehyde in our system. Heheh

Serenity said...

millyvanilly: haha! let's just hope that the Philippine authorities got it wrong. we won't want anyone to find our remnants still intact after 1000 years. might end up like the mummies in the museum! lol!